Every sweep of the paddle as your craft glides through the pristine polar waters creates an incredible soundtrack: the jostle of glacial ice, the lapping of waves against the rocky shore, the perpetual drip from your paddle, the call of seabirds, and the occasional splash as wildlife break the surface of the water.

Our Paddle Excursion Program provides sit-on-top, two-person, inflatable kayaks that provide guests with an intimate, water-level experience in unforgettable locations in both the Arctic and Antarctica. These stable, rugged and comfortable crafts are an ideal way to see the polar regions from a different perspective. On-ship, you’ll be provided with instruction and equipment including dry suits, personal flotation devices (PFDs), and waterproof gloves. Experienced guides will lead you safely throughout the paddling excursion. Your group will always be escorted by a safety driver in another kayak who will stay close by to provide additional support.

Excursions last a minimum of one hour and are offered to participants once per voyage. Each group includes 10 paddlers, 1 guide and 1 one safety Zodiac driver. The wind, weather and water conditions determine the timing and location of Paddling Excursions.

Is Kaying Experience Necessary?

The Paddle Excursion was created for guests with little or no paddling experience, or for those who want a single paddle experience to add variety to their expedition. Participants must be fit enough to enter and exit the kayak from the Zodiac, and to maneuver with your paddle.  

Provided Gear

Other recommended gear/clothing

Tip: It’s a good idea to protect any camera gear in a drybag. Small waterproof cameras should be attached to your PFD with a string and carabiner.


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