Alexander Golikov

Expedition Guide, History Presenter, Mandarin Expedition Guide

Alexander, better known as Sasha, was born in Vladivostok, Russia where the Trans-Siberian Railway meets the Pacific Ocean. He received his degree in Mandarin Chinese and East Asian History from the Far Eastern University.

During his professional career he worked as translator and interpreter for businesses and public institutions, served in the Russian Navy where he reached the rank of Senior Lieutenant, and taught various disciplines at his alma mater.

After beginning his career with Quark Expeditions, Sasha initially worked in Russian and the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Svalbard, then later went to Antarctica. Since that time, he has visited the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia, and Falkland Islands.

When not onboard a Quark vessel, he travels extensively, pursues his academic interest in East Asian and global history, and spends time driving his small boat.

Sasha’s advice to first-time adventure travelers is this: In the polar regions you will find few colors, a handful of living species, sparse, if any, signs of human presence. This simplicity and scarcity produce the most magnificent, vital, and dramatic parts of our planet. Accepting and embracing this paradox is a unique chance, take it.

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