My name is Wendy Fowler and I’m a graphic designer at Scott Thornley + Company in Toronto, Canada. I’ve designed the brochure for Quark Expeditions for the last three seasons. Creating this lovely booklet though is really a group effort. The team here at STC includes a production manager, a proofreader, a photo editor/colour specialist, an account manager, and our creative director. Not to mention, of course, the team at Quark Expeditions with whom we work closely. Creating the brochure is an exciting time around the studio, and it’s always rewarding to see the final product.

Photos that say: “WOW! I want to experience that.”
The most important job with each brochure is organizing and selecting the vast amount of expedition photography that comes in from the travellers. Quark is fortunate to have many passengers from all around the world who are also amazing photographers. The brochure is a great opportunity to feature some of these beautiful images. It’s the passenger’s point of view that truly reinforces the authenticity and uniqueness of the expeditions: the precious one-on-one time with a Gentoo penguin in the Antarctic Peninsula, or a couple marvelling at the Northern Lights in Eastern Greenland. Such visual memories are special because they show the traveller interacting with nature in a very personal and meaningful way.

A graphic designer can’t ask for better photographs than these!
The submissions were really unbelievable this year. We received so many unexpected gems: a kayaker amongst curious Minke whales, or orcas following a Zodiac. And of course our fabulous cover shot: a Spitsbergen polar bear, captured in the most beautiful light and pristine ice.

Tips for the Quark adventurer — we want to feature YOUR amazing images
One of the heartbreaking parts of my job is finding a great photo, only to discover the resolution is too low, or it’s too dark or grainy. So, for all travellers ready to depart on an extraordinary Quark polar adventure, here are a few tips:
• We are always looking for that special interaction between traveller and wildlife;
• The higher resolution the photo, the better – set your picture quality to the largest setting;
• If the photo is too dark or grainy, we can’t use it;
• We love gorgeous landscapes, especially pristine ice and blue skies;
• We also love day-to-day life aboard the ship, especially for our ‘Day in the Life’ features;
• Quark Expeditions is very thankful that their passengers share their beautiful photography. Please include your full name in your photo submissions to ensure we include you in the photography credit listing on the inside back cover.
Thank you Quark Expeditions
I feel very fortunate to work on such a special project here at Scott Thornley + Company. I can’t wait to see all the photos for next year, especially from the Arctic destinations and Canadian trips that are new to this season. I’ve learned a lot about these regions, not just from studying the photography, but by becoming fully immersed in all of the details and stories. I think it’s finally time to start planning for my trip. But, the most difficult decision is going to be… Arctic or Antarctica?