Top image copyright Sue Flood
We are pleased to announce our Experts-in-Residence program for the 2013.14 Antarctic season! Renowned for the expedition team’s expertise in the Arctic and Antarctica, our Experts-in-Residence program adds an extra layer of interest and insight to polar expeditions with best-in-class guests from the fields of polar history, scientific research, and photography.
This year we are thrilled to have the following polar experts join us:

Polar History
Back by popular demand, Jonathan Shackleton (cousin of Sir Ernest Shackleton) is a leading expert on the life and achievements of Ernest Shackleton and he is author of Shackleton: An Irishman in Antarctica and The Shackletons of Ballitore (1580-1987). Jonathan will be on four voyages this season:
- Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica: November 14, 2013
- Antarctic Explorer: February 13, 2014
- Crossing the Circle: February 22, 2014
- Jonathan will also be a guest lecturer aboard the Sea Spirit’s 15-day Antarctic Peninsula East & West voyage departing January 24, 2014.
Jonathan Shackleton was part of our Experts in Residence program in February of 2013 when he joined an Antarctic Explorer voyage on the Ocean Diamond with Falcon Scott. You can read all about that experience here.

Scientific Research
Dr. Tom Hart runs the Penguin Lifelines project at Oxford University and the Zoological Society of London. The on-going project monitors Antarctic wildlife using camera trapping, volunteer photos and population genetics. Tom’s PhD at Imperial College and the British Antarctic Survey investigated penguin foraging behavior around South Georgia. Dr. Hart will be on four voyages this season:
- Antarctic Explorer: December 19, December 28, 2013 and January 6, 2014
- Crossing the Circle: January 15, 2014
Dr. Tom Hart has visited the Quark Expeditions office a few times over the past year and participated in “Ask a Penguinologist” – where he participated in a live web chat and answered questions about Penguin Lifelines and penguins in general. Here’s a clip from his first chat with us:

Sue Flood is a professional wildlife and travel photographer who has been working in the polar regions for over 20 years, and with more 30 trips to the Arctic and Antarctic. She won the 2011 International Photographer of the Year – prize-winner for best nature book. Sue will be on three voyages this season:
- Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica: November 14, 2013
- Antarctic Explorer: December 1 & December 10, 2013
How to Book
Quark is currently offering a $1000 air credit on select Sea Spirit voyages, including the 15-day Antarctic Peninsula East & West voyage, January 24, 2014 featuring Jonathan Shackleton. Book before July 31, 2013. Some conditions apply.
For more information contact a Quark Polar Travel Adviser at 888-892-0073 or visit