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Andrea Machacek

About Andrea Machacek

Expedition Leader
You may also see Andrea in the following role(s): Assistant Expedition Leader and Expedition Coordinator
Before Andrea embarked on her life-changing first cruise to Antarctica in 2010, she had earned a master’s degree in economics and was well into a career organizing world-wide incentive trips and events in her native Austria. Since then, Andrea has found her true calling and an abiding passion in expedition cruising.
Andrea relishes in the diverse wildlife and rugged landscapes of the Polar Regions, especially the High Arctic. Her nine years in polar expedition travel has taken her throughput the circumpolar Arctic from Svalbard, East and West Greenland, to Far East Russia, and through the Northeast and Northwest Passages as well as to the geographic North Pole. She also enjoys her work on expedition cruises to the British Isles, New Zealand, West Africa, the Caribbean, Central America, the South Pacific, the Indian Ocean and South America as well as the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.
Loving all things polar, she has always been fascinated by the stories of discovery, loss and survival written in and about these fascinating and remote corners of our planet. She looks forward to sharing some of those stories—as well as her enthusiasm and respect for these incredible regions—in her native German as well as in English, Spanish, and French. She is also a novice speaker of Russian.
When not working on expedition ships, she enjoys reading true tales of discovery and adventure before setting off on her own explorations of the world, preferably on horseback.