David graduated with a Master’s degree from the University of Cambridge’s Scott Polar Research Institute in 2013. He first experienced the Polar Regions as a student at the University Centre in Svalbard in 2010. Since then, he has returned to work in the Arctic in numerous roles. First, as a Field Assistant for scientists across the Svalbard archipelago, then for a British Exploring Society expedition in Arctic Norway, then as a crew member aboard a scientific research vessel in West Greenland, since 2014 he has worked as staff member aboard expedition ships in both Polar Regions. He has been elected to the prestigious Arctic Club, which was founded in 1932 for those with an enduring interest in the region and is a Fellow to the Royal Geographical Society.
David has a keen interest in polar history. In fact, reading accounts of early expeditions to Antarctica was the catalyst for his desire to experience these unique regions himself. He is trained in glaciology and glacial marine geomorphology. He has focused his research on reconstructing past ice flow around the Svalbard archipelago and has contributed to a new Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms. Now he is focused on delivering the best possible experiences to guests within both the Arctic and Antarctic, whilst ensuring a comprehensive understanding of these regions and their future challenges.