For British doctor, Dr. Samantha Crimmin, one of Quark’s onboard doctors, work and play have dovetailed in the most remarkable of ways.
The emergency medicine doctor, and amateur photographer, spent a year in South Georgia working as a medical officer for the British Antarctic Survey and given the scant population on the island, found she had lots of time on her hands. “To make up for the lack of patients, the island’s doctor becomes an apprentice in all trades… I weighed penguins and fur seal pups. I drove boats, learnt to bake bread, sold stamps and ran a post office. I learnt photography. I met some amazing people and was fortunate enough to spend a year in a very special place,” said Dr. Crimmin.
In Dr. Crimmin’s case, “learning photography” meant capturing some of the most incredible photos of this wildlife paradise you’ve ever seen. Though judging by the South Georgia landscape — also known as the Galapagos of the Poles — it’s hard to imagine that anyone can’t take beautiful photographs, really.
Recently, some of her long-exposure photos of the night sky were selected by the South Georgia government to become official stamps. Leaving her shutter open for 30 seconds at a time for a two-hour period, Dr. Crimmin was able to capture the trail the stars left behind them. And with the nearest light pollution being more than 800 miles (1300 km) away, the end result is something you need to see for yourself.
South Georgia government has used another night sky image of Dr. Samantha Crimmin for the church centenary stamp issue.

To view more of Dr. Samantha Crimmin’s stunning photograpghy visit: A year on South Georgia by Sam Crimmin, Quark Expedition Doctor