Fabrice is a French biologist with a special interest in wildlife of the Polar Regions. As an expert in ornithology, he firmly believes that birds are an inexhaustible source of wonder as well as a great excuse to travel.
His experience in the Polar Regions began in 1989, when he spent 18 months working as a field researcher of seabirds and marine mammals on the remote, subantarctic Kerguelen Islands. His work on the breeding behavior of the blue petrel led to the publication of several scientific papers on pair formation and mate choice in the context of sexual selection. In the early 90s, he began working as a field guide and lecturer on Quark Expeditions icebreakers, leading trips for bird lovers to the Antarctic Peninsula, the Weddell and the Ross seas in Antarctica, as well as the famous Northeast and Northwest passages in the high Arctic. Fabrice is the author of “The Wildlife of the Polar Regions”, and co-author of the “Field guide to the Birds and Mammals of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean”. More recently, he published two illustrated books on Seabird Biology and Ecology. His last book deals with the Ecology of Sea Ice and the consequences of sea ice decline in the context of climate change.
When he is not traveling in the Polar Regions, Fabrice enjoys riding his horses in the countryside of central France and conducts field research on birds with the Museum of Natural History in Paris.