A map of the earth hung in Keenan’s childhood room. The far north, far south and the remote islands of the oceans captured his imagination. Ever since, Keenan has been working to make those places more than lines on a map.
This journey has brought Keenan to the shores of the Northwest Passage, driving down the coast to repair abandoned machines as polar bears wait out the summer for the ice’s return. To the Beaufort Sea alone in a kayak as pans of ice block his path while grizzlies and caribou patrol the shores. To Northern Labrador where he exchanged the joy of surfing for exposure to ancient cultural traditions and skills. Even to the great white desert of the polar plateau, where his skis crossed paths with those of the great explorers, past and present.
At home in the cold, Keenan was born and raised in Yukon Territory, Canada. A land of boreal forest, wide valleys and deep freezes. In 2016 he pushed further north working as a mechanic and guide on Somerset Island in Canada’s High Arctic. This work led him to the other end of the world, working in West Antarctica and the South Pole. When he isn’t working in the Polar Regions, Keenan finds the time to organize his own expeditions, in search of waves to surf in cold and remote parts of the globe.
Find Keenan piloting your Zodiac, helping you discover these faraway places and the magic they hold.