Xinwu Liu

Mandarin Linguist

Xinwu currently resides in Kunming City in Yunnan, China, a dream destination for outdoor enthusiasts and travellers who love to explore colourful minority cultures. 
Xinwu has been working in the outdoor recreation field all over China since 2019. He earned his Master’s degree in Ecology in the United States, where he enjoyed working in the field researching plants and mammals for two years. He still loves observing plants and tracing animals when working outdoors and is curious about the underlying mechanisms of natural phenomena. 
Xinwu’s passion for the outdoors lies in many sports, including rock climbing, mountaineering, surfing, and diving. He is eager to discover more. Rock climbing and mountaineering equipped him with a strong awareness of safety and risk assessment and a clear understanding of safe practices on treacherous mountain terrain.
Xinwu also loves to explore cultural and social diversities in his travels by interacting with locals.
When not working, Xinwu can be found walking his cat, Tiger, around his house or on a leisure hike in the woods.

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